Fresh mozzarella cheese, in the form of a braid.Our gourmet cheese recipe, creation process, shape, and flavor areinspired by mediterranean cuisine and culture.
Now that you’ve heard a little bit about our first “date” on @fromthefounder , I might as well tell you about our second. I was in school part time and got out at 4pm. He asked (still through Facebook) to meet downtown for a yoga class at 4:30pm. I thought sure! That should work! but the very reliable subway was late, and so was I. Panicking I told him that we weren’t going to make the class. I irrationally thought of all the ways this could’ve been avoided; maybe if I left earlier or took a different train route? And because I was a major people pleaser, I was worried he wouldn’t like me anymore or just cancel altogether. I mean after all, i was the one that asked him out first!! But he responded quickly and said we’ll catch the next. He instantly relieved my foolish anxieties. We went for dinner after yoga. There I learnt how self aware and certain he was. I was jealous!! Then he subtly slipped what his therapist told him about ME. I was floored. Later I got the guys number and started seeing him in secret. Maxie found out months later. My time spent in therapy was eye opening. I uncovered wounds I didn’t know I had, and broke through my own self made barriers. I learnt about myself and strengthened the relationships around me. Therapy did not “fix me” because I wasn’t broken. Instead it made me stronger.
Grandma’s Cheese... the only thing that should be stringing you along 😜🥰🧀
This is me staging a photoshoot in 2017! Swipe for some of the pictures @lisachakkalo_photo and I came up with. Who remembers my old packaging?? (And the business cards that I never use😂)